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About Us

We Do Veterinary
Care Differently

We help people to make high-quality, integrative healthcare choices for their animal companions for a holistic healthcare approach.

We recognize that, while we cannot expect our animal companions to live forever, we can significantly improve their quality of life by working with their bodies and offering them the tools they need to heal and empower themselves naturally.

Meet Our TeamOur Services
Our Mission

The mission of Main Street Veterinary Services is to help guide our animal companions to better health naturally.  We will use gentle hands with the utmost compassion for our fellow creatures and the people that love them.  Our commitment to our patients, high-quality customized medicine and customer service will be evident in all that we do.

What We Do

Main Street Veterinary Services offers a range of conventional and holistic veterinary services to explore all aspects of good health and preventative medicine for our animal companions. Alternative therapeutic modalities include: traditional Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic care and homotoxicology (a branch of medicine that uses homeopathy).

We continue to educate ourselves to deepen our understanding of the modalities that we practice as well as to learn about new modalities that will allow us to go above and beyond in helping our patients to heal themselves.